Swim Smarter With a Kip Cap

Hours of Operation:

24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

Never miss your heat. Have a Kip Cap at every meet!

A Competitive Swimming Cap Like No Other

Now from Kip Cap, comes the competitive swimming cap you can write in, to help you remember important information, like the time of your next heat and what lane you will swim in. There's no longer a need to write on your body or pester your coach with endless questions. Kip Cap, of Greenwich, CT, has the solution and offers prompt, nationwide shipping. The Kip Cap helps swimmers remain focused by allowing them to enter data on the inside of their swim cap with a special pen. Data is easily removed from the reusable swim cap with hand sanitizer or soap.

Our founder, Kip Fierro, is a Hall of Fame coach and All American swimmer who started out with a swimming scholarship from the University of Miami. He has coached for 37 years and has taught swimmers who have gone on to win various medals, championships, All American titles, and Olympic events. Kip is still coaching and is president of New Roc Swimming in New York.

Order your Kip Caps today.
Call (914) 618-4050

Check Out the Kip Cap Patent



(914) 618-4050

27 Home Place #B
Greenwich, CT 06830

Hours of Operation:

24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

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